Fielder Grant

The Bonnie Cummins Fielder Grant for Career Advancement was established in 2005 and augmented in 2008 and 2013 to provide grants totaling $12,000 biennially to singers, ages 22 to 32, with promising vocal careers.  The purpose of the grants is to assist young singers with expenses incurred in pursuit of a professional career in classical music.  The grant has been funded by Past President Bonnie Cummins Fielder.

The next Fielder Grant competition will take place on March 19 of 2025 in Austin.  It will be necessary for finalists to appear in person and to perform a live audition. 

To apply, download the Fielder Grant Application on your desktop or laptop**. Fill out the application online and send it to the email address at the bottom of the application. Your digital name will suffice as a signature.

**If you are using a tablet or phone you will have to print out the application and send it to the mailing address at the bottom of the application or scan it and email it.


Winners of the grant from its inception follow:

2023 (pictured below L to R) Kathleen Felty, Sara Kennedy, Sarah Dyer, Bree Nichols. To read more about these winners click here.

2021 (pictured below L to R) Brian Yeakley, Catherine Goode, and Krista Renee Pape. To read more about these winners, click here.

2019  (pictured below L to R)  Ivy Calvert, Rebekah Howell, BronwynWhite and Emily Helenbrook

2017 (pictured below L to R)  T. Hastings Reeves, Sydney Anderson, Cristina Bakhoum, Anna Laurenzo and Rainelle Krause.

2015    Sarah Mesko, Rebekah Howell, Galeano Salas, Chelsi Clark, and Julia Taylor

Winners of the 2015 Wilcox-Mauer awards

2013     Calvin Griffin,  Christina Bakhoum, Amanda Kingston, Sara Ann Mitchell, Samuel Schultz, Claire Shackleton

2012     Abigail Corbett, Will Hearn, Ashley SIgmon and Christina Taylor (tie)

2011     Katie Bolding,  Juan Jose deLeon

2010    Casey Finnigan,  Brad Raymond and Katie Bolding (tie)

2009    Michael Sumuel,  Jonathan Blalock

2008    Betsy Uschkrat,  NaGuanda Nobles

2007    Elizabeth Cass,  Erin Roth

2006    Lauren Zoghby,  Katie Horn,  Désirée Ellen Wattelet

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