Elise Ragland sings the National Anthem with accompanist Carolyn McCollochWMMC President Sarah Harriman leads ceremony Peggy & Gregory Brunner with Dr. Ted EdwardsCo-First Vice President Elisabeth MorenoCurrent President Sarah Harriman gives rose to past President Natalie MorganCurrent President Sarah Harriman gives rose to past President Lee MeyerCurrent President Sarah Harriman gives rose to past President Marcia EdwardsCurrent President Sarah Harriman gives rose to past President Barbara ButtreyTom Hale, Guest French HornCurrent President Sarah Harriman gives rose to past President Katherine ShieldsLunch timeDining al fresco Virginia Kniesner (Recording Secretary), Kathryn Govier, Karen Millican, and Felicity ColtmanWMMC photographer Kit ThompsonVirginia Raleigh and Brian Grothues