Club members who took up the challenge to wear hats: Suzy Gallagher, Lee Meyer and Natalie Morgan.
Kokichi Akasaka plays Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Platero y Yo.
George Edwards and Kokichi Akasaka chat before the meeting.
Kokichi Akasaka, guest performer
Club members got the memo about hats!
“Together We Sing:” Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
Mary Lou Connelly and Marcia Edwards
Gregory Shields and Ruby Jane Smith warm up.
Gregory Shields and Ruby Jane Smith perform two traditional tunes.
More beautiful hats: Sarah Harriman, Suzy Gallagher and Mary Lou Connelly
Walter Tibbitts accompanies Jerry Conn.
Jerry Conn, tenor, performs a Cole Porter medley.
Jerry Conn and Walter Tibbitts
Russell Gregory and Peggy Brunner perform selections from Annie Get Your Gun.
Carolyn McColloch accompanies Peggy and Russell.
Russell Gregory performs “The Warthog.”
Sarah Harriman looking good from every angle!
Club members pose with hats.
Carolyn McColloch and Janie Keys compare program notes.
Suzy Gallagher and Kit Thompson
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